International coating company from Switzerland


PLATIT. Is there a meaning behind that?
PLATIT name was brought to the market in 1987 it came from the world plating.

PLATIT Advanced Coating Systems. Why "advanced coating systems". What makes PLATIT so unique and different from the other coating companies?

“Advanced coating system” is attached to PLATIT because PLATIT has always been a very innovative company. PLATIT was the first company to create and develop the sales of coating units. The idea of PLATIT was to make this technology available to the largest number of people but coatings systems had to be highly sophisticated and very easy to use. Over the years PLATIT always brought new concept to the market to make available high performance coatings to tool makers and coating centers that would buy PLATIT coating systems. All other companies involved with the manufacturing of coating systems also operate coating centers thus they are not interested to sell their machine with premium coatings to their potential customers.

What is the story behind PLATIT? For example, is PLATIT its own company or is it a branch of another company? If so, what company and what do they do?

PLATIT is a member of the BCI group, a family holding company that emerged from W.BLÖSCH AG. The presidents, Erich and Peter Blösch, are the sons of Walter Blösch, who founded the company in 1947. Headquarter in Grenchen, Switzerland, the group has over 250 employees worldwide.

BLÖSCH, LISS, SEDECAL and VILAB, all focused on surface treatment , are also included in the BCI Group.
What started out as a supplier to the Swiss watch industry is now a powerhouse for high-tech functional and decorative coatings.

Important dates in the history of the BCI Group:

1947: W. BLÖSCH AG is founded by Walter Blösch for heavy gold plating of watch cases and jewelry

1957: LISS AG is founded for the production of watch dials and jewelry. First plant for the electroplating of precious metals is built.

1985: New construction dedicated to the production of hard coatings

1987: Start of the PLATIT project

1992: Assembly and sales of the first fully automated coating system

1995: BCI produces innovative coatings for the watch industry like Hard antireflective coatings on sapphire watch glass, color coating on watch dial, anti-allergical hard coating on stainless steel watch parts

2000: Introduction of the extra small i-PLATIT coating systems for small shops and turnkey systems

2004: Installation of the hundredth coating system and introduction of nano composite coatings

2007: Installation of the two hundredth coating system and introduction of triple coatings

2011: more than three hundred machine installed and worldwide sales and service

How long PLATIT has stayed in business?


PLATIT sold its first machine in 1992 to a well-known Swiss cutting tool maker and did develop the business first in Europe with Italy, Germany and France. PLATIT opened his US operation in June 2000 and has already sold over 60 machines in north America since. This extremely positive start in USA pushed PLATIT to continue developing the business all over the world. Today, with over 300 machines installed worldwide, PLATIT has offices with technical support in several countries in Europe, south and north America, middle east, Asia and Russia and is one of the most best known manufacture of coating systems in the world for its innovation, quality and service.

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